A comparative study of Chief Ministerial powers:

Our neighbour, Pakistan, also follows the same system we do. They also have a Governor as the nominal head of the state and a Chief Minister as the executive head of the state.

In Pakistan:

  • Each Province (or state) shall, by law, establish a local government system and give political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority to the elected representatives of the local governments.
  • There shall be a Cabinet of Ministers, with the Chief Minister at its head, to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise of his functions.
  • The Chief Minister shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor.
  • The CM must communicate to the Governor all decisions of the cabinet relating to the administration of the affairs of the Province and proposals for legislation.
  • The CM is in charge of the success or failure of the local government at his level.
  • The CM is allowed to appoint a council of provincial ministers to handle matters of the state.

Task 1: Refresh the role and responsibilities of the Indian Chief Ministers.

Task 2: How different are the roles and responsibilities of the Indian CM from the Pakistani CM?