Objectives and tools:

Let us begin with a simple question. What do we want the kids to take away from the chapter when they step out of the classroom?

We want them to understand that:

  • We are closer to the world than we think.
  • Globalization is a grey area, with as many positives as negatives.
  • Terrorism and peace are both choices.
  • India has adapted to globalization and its effects as well.

Listing these points down is a useful way of orienting the students’ learning and our own preparation.

To make this possible, we have the following tools at our disposal:

  • A suggested chapter progression plan.
  • Two teachers’ handouts describing unique experiential and concept learning activities and one teachers’ handout discussing how to introduce difficult subjects in the class.
  • Two class handouts or notes on various topics.
  • One worksheet to inspire thought and application.
  • Three movies, one on globalization, one on how peace is a choice and one on empathy.